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    Metso Paper Unit Gets EUR25 Million Brazil Contrac
    Metso Corp. said Wednesday that its Metso Paper unit will supply a complete woodyard system at the new pulp mill of Veracel Celulose S.A. in Eunapolis, Brazil. The value of the order is approximately EUR25 million, including deliveries from sub-suppliers.

    The start up of the mill is scheduled for mid-2005.

    Veracel Celulose is a joint venture of Stora Enso and Aracruz Celulose S.A. . The new greenfield pulp mill will be built in Eunapolis in the state of Bahia. The mill will produce 900,000 tonnes of eucalyptus based kraft pulp a year.


    Copyright: giant Xin (Shenzhen giant Xin Stationery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Guangdong IPC prepared 15011734 -1